In the Old testament, the phrase "to know" meant to have had sex with another person. What does this imply about sex? How does it compare with the words we use today? Why do we no longer use this term? Is sex less intimate today?
I think it implies that there is more to sex than reproduction. Sex is meant to be a deeper knowing of a person. In sex we are stripped bare in front of another person, both literally and symbolically. We are at the most vulnerable and to allow someone to be with us in this time means that we are trusting of this person. TO KNOW someone to the core takes so much trust and so much work for both participants. But this isn't the sex we always see. We don't have a phrase like the Hebrews. How many of us see a cute girl (or guy) and think "I really want TO KNOW that person?" We have a word, LOVE, but doesn't it seem cheap? How could you say you LOVE someone but yet turn around and say that we LOVE a certain object. Well it's a different type of LOVE yes but when do we start blurring the boundaries before the word LOVE becomes less than what it was meant to be. God LOVES us and just thinking about that turns my entire body inside out. He doesn't use cheap words and to think that he uses the word LOVE in an entire new way. The power of the word LOVE can bring war, strive, pleasure, pain, anger, sadness, joy, and so much more. We want TO KNOW and feel the power of this word (even if it brings us to shambles and pain). We don't have any word like this and I don't know why. Maybe it is because of that work it takes to take off our armor and be laid bare and face the pain we might feel. TO KNOW someone we need to give something of ourselves and that is to reveal a weakness in our armor but to have sex with our armor on well yes it is going to still feel good (our biology takes care of that) but I feel like God meant it to feel _________ he meant it to be so good we don't have a word for it. Just like we can't describe the LOVE we have with God. I am not saying that sex is less intimate exactly but I am saying the potential is there, just like the potential to LOVE is still there we just have to work for it.